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We have extensive experience in medical, legal and accounting malpractice litigation. We focus on helping the professionals accused of malpractice tell a compelling and understandable story that helps jurors put their conduct into perspective.

Medical Malpractice

We have helped hundreds of healthcare providers and institutions with malpractice claims in venues across the country, including hospitals, clinics, surgery centers, nursing homes and individual doctors and nurses. We conduct jury research to help trial teams develop key themes and graphics for trial. We also help prepare healthcare providers for deposition and trial to ensure they come across as authentic, competent and compelling, and deliver key messages in terms that jurors can comprehend.

Representative Medical Malpractice Matters:

• A claim that a misplaced epidural led a patient to develop permanent paralysis.
• A claim that a hospital was slow to diagnose a rare, flesh-eating bacteria, causing the patient’s leg to be amputated.
• A claim that a child obtained cerebral palsy due to excessive force applied to the mother during childbirth.
• A claim that an elective plastic surgery procedure led to permanent disfigurement.

Legal Malpractice

We have worked on a number of legal malpractice cases and have dealt with claims for suborning perjury from the client, failure to use a causation expert, inadequate trial strategy, working outside an area of expertise, failure to get permission or waiver for possible conflicts, failure to file for foreign patent rights, covering up the risks of going to trial and overstating the chances of winning, and failure to file in a timely manner.

These cases are typically complex, because they often involve retrying an underlying dispute. We help lawyers communicate effectively that they advocated their client’s interests, and met the standard of care required in the legal profession. We help defendants highlight transparent communication and consultation with their clients. This helps put plaintiff’s complaints about their attorney’s conduct in context, and allows jurors to critically examine their allegations.

Representative Legal Malpractice Matters:

• A claim that a large law firm overbilled a client and did not provide adequate representation resulting in the loss of a business deal.

• A claim that a law firm did not provide adequate representation to a client during a real estate development deal.

• A complex series of legal malpractice cases over failure to advise a group of homeowners of all their legal options in a dispute against the developer of luxury residential properties in Hawaii, and allegations of collusion with the developer.

Accounting Malpractice

Accounting cases often contain esoteric concepts that are difficult for jurors to understand. We help simplify complex accounting practices, and identify case-specific conduct that highlights how the accounting professionals acted in their client’s best interests, and met the standard of care in their field.

Representative Accounting Malpractice Matters:

• A claim that a major bank knew about and perpetuated fraudulent practices of an individual investor.

• A claim that a major accounting firm knowingly provided investors with illegal off-shore tax shelters.

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